Babi Panggang – Twice Cooked Pork Ribs

Babi Panggang

Babi Panggang - Twice Cooked Pork Ribs

Serves: 3-4 people
Preparation Time: 1.5 hours


2kg Pork or Beef spare ribs – cut to your desired sizes
½ jar Bali In A Jar Chilli Paste
100ml kecap manis
50g fresh finely chopped ginger
25g rock sugar
800ml water
Black pepper
4 tbs vegetable oil

1. Heat up a large wok or pot, add vegetable oil, seal spare ribs on both sides for approximately 5 minutes each or until they change colour.
2. Create a well in the centre of your wok/pot (with the ribs on the sides). Add chopped ginger in the centre and let it cook until fragrant (around 2 minutes). Add the rest of the ingredients ,including water, into the wok/pot and bring to boil. Then turn your stove to medium-low for 1 hour to slow cook spare ribs until tender – while occasionally turning them over to make sure both sides are equally cooked.
3. Once spare ribs are soft, take them out and place onto a tray and put aside. Continue cooking the sauce until reduced/thickened.
4. Cook spare ribs in the oven/grill or BBQ (best on a charcoal weber BBQ) Use the extra sauce to baste the ribs while cooking – around 15 minutes each side.
5. Serve spare ribs with salads & chips together with the remaining sauce,.

PS: you can also cook spareribs in a slow cooker, however you will need to reduce the sauce on the stove as the slow cooker holds water content.

Babi Panggang

Thanks to Chef Nyoman of Newcastle, NSW for assistance with this recipe.

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